So, this school year begins like the last 4 or 5... I am again a substitute teacher. I have fulfilled the role of a physics teacher for close to 2 years in temporary positions, but I have yet to land an elusive full time job. My resolve to wait for a position to open up has not changed, though I do wonder if I should add an endorsement to my license... even though that requires that I go back to school.

On the running side of things I am not where I would like either. My hope for this year was to run at a mountain race and in a marathon. With the mountain racing season already come and gone I find myself wondering if a marathon is even a good idea at this point. My mileage has been terrible as I've struggled with small injuries, motivational problems, and most recently the flu which sidelined me for almost a week.
So, what should I do with my thoughts, worries, desires, dreams? The only thing that I know will bring me peace and clarity is to go to God. I'll ask Him, the one who made me, what He wants me to do today. I'll keep doing this each day. I want my hopes and dreams to be the ones He wants for me. I'm not giving up on dreaming and hoping, but just running them by the one who knows me better than I know myself.